Welcome to Stella's School Scheme

Please note this website is currently under development and some information is out of date, for latest news as well as any other enquiries please contact SSS office by emailing sssgambia@gmail.com or by writing to our office: SSS. Brewery Arms Cottage, Stane Street, Ockley RH5 5TH We are hoping to have this website updated as soon as possible.

Our mission is to advance the education of young people in The Gambia, West Africa by providing and assisting in the provision of resources for education.

Education is a vital element in the development of The Gambia. If the children can be better educated, they may well go on to be people of influence in the country taking forward the values taught to them to pass on to future generations.

Stella's School Scheme was established to give the children and young people the chance of an education and so help them create a better future for themselves, their families and their country.

Latest news

Newsletters are now available!

Our annual newsletters are now available to view online here!

Dominic the Donkey!

If you are looking for a great stocking filler for a child, then here it is !!! A wonderful little book telling the story of Dominic the Donkey and Poppy the dog who live at Gambia Horse and Donkey Headquarters in The Gambia and Mr Darboe the Headmaster, Mr McSporren, Nessie and Ninky Nanka.

Only £4.50 (+P&P )and all proceeds go to Stella's School Scheme and Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust.

Copies are limited so BE Quick !!!